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The Impact of Unconscious Bias on Employee Engagement and Retention

Understanding Unconscious Bias While most of us have heard the term ‘unconscious bias’, it’s easy to dismiss it as something that affects others and not us. The reality is that unconscious bias affects everyone to some degree. Described as a ‘hidden flaw’, evidence suggests that, regardless of our role or position at work, everyone can think in a way that… Read More »The Impact of Unconscious Bias on Employee Engagement and Retention

HR News Room – March 2024

We’re sharing everything you need to know from the HR world!  March is upon us, and we can finally see Spring in sight….  ….and talking of new beginnings, in this month’s Haus of HR News Room we’re looking at how you can take a much-neglected tool and use it to create some new beginnings (and big improvements) for your business… Read More »HR News Room – March 2024

Right to work checks

Why Comprehensive Right to Work Checks Are Essential for Your Business

Avoid Hefty Fines and Legal Consequences Are you aware that failing to complete proper right-to-work checks could lead to fines of up to £60,000? The penalty for employing an illegal worker is on the rise, increasing from £20,000 to a substantial £60,000. Furthermore, knowingly hiring an illegal worker may result in criminal charges. Government audits can happen at any time,… Read More »Why Comprehensive Right to Work Checks Are Essential for Your Business

Employee Retention

How to keep you best employees engaged and committed Your team is the lifeblood of your organisation, not just a collection of workers, but the driving force that keeps your business engine running smoothly. They enhance productivity, infuse your company culture with vitality, and inspire motivation throughout the organisation. But what happens when the spark of engagement begins to wane,… Read More »Employee Retention

Haus of HR Expanding with Two Stellar Additions!

Brace yourselves because the Haus of HR is on the rise again! We are thrilled to introduce our dynamic duo: ⭐ ALISON ALLEN ⭐ Alison, a Chartered Member of the CIPD, brings nearly 25 years of experience in HR and Learning & Development. Her expertise extends to delivering accredited menopause training, mediation, and coaching. Passionate about empowering businesses, Alison enjoys… Read More »Haus of HR Expanding with Two Stellar Additions!

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