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Why Every Company Needs a Handbook

Do you lack a handbook for your company? Here’s why it’s essential to have one: A handbook serves as your company’s go-to manual – a cornerstone of workplace resources that consolidates all the vital information and guiding principles of your business in one central document. A comprehensive company handbook: It also reinforces and codifies your company culture, fostering an inclusive… Read More »Why Every Company Needs a Handbook

Menopause symbol

Why Now is the Time to Take Menopause at Work Seriously

Understanding the Importance and Legal Implications of Supporting Employees Through the Menopause Did you know that menopausal women are the fastest-growing demographic in the workforce? However, employees experiencing menopause often face significant challenges that impact their work and wellbeing. Small changes to show empathy and support can make a world of difference, yet some employers are still falling short and… Read More »Why Now is the Time to Take Menopause at Work Seriously

Your business’s plan to improve employees’ mental health

Taken from the Thriving at Work Mental Health Standards Do you have a plan to improve your employees’ mental health? If you don’t, now is the time to create one and we’re here to help. Improving your employees’ mental health is no longer a warm sentiment, it’s business critical. And that’s because it affects one in six British workers. It’s… Read More »Your business’s plan to improve employees’ mental health

Employee Retention

How to keep you best employees engaged and committed Your team is the lifeblood of your organisation, not just a collection of workers, but the driving force that keeps your business engine running smoothly. They enhance productivity, infuse your company culture with vitality, and inspire motivation throughout the organisation. But what happens when the spark of engagement begins to wane,… Read More »Employee Retention

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